Green Wave - Mustard Greens Seeds
This is the darkest green of any curly mustard green out there, with a spicy hot flavor that's popular among chefs and home cooks alike. AAS winner in 1957. Slow to bolt, this variety can stand 2-4 weeks longer than other types, making it an excellent choice for those looking to get the most out of their plants. This cold-tolerant plant can be grown for baby greens and is well suited for container growing. 500 mg ~ 250 seeds.
Plant seeds directly into the garden starting 4-6 weeks before average last frost date continuing until about that date. You can also start seeds indoors 5-7 weeks before transplanting. Optimum soil temperature for seed germination is 45-75 degrees. Mustard greens are a cool season crop so avoid letting it mature in hot weather. High temperatures slow plant growth and make the leaves tough and bitter. Grow it in the spring, then again in the fall. Succession plantings every at 2 weeks intervals will provide a steady supply.
Scientific Name: Brassica juncea
Days to Maturity: 20 baby, 40-60 leaf
Seed Depth: 1/4"
Days to Sprout: 5-10
Plant Spacing: 2-4"(baby) 12"(leaf)
Row Spacing: 1-2'
Light Requirements: Sunny / Partial shade
Plant Height: 16-18"
Life Cycle: Annual
Frost Hardy: Yes